Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lessons that WE can ALL learn from the movie Straight Outta Compton!

Lessons that WE can ALL learn from the movie
Straight Outta Compton!

Straight Outta Compton has proven to be one of the most successful movies in our history.  It’s a real life movie that many of us grew up watching first hand. Many of us could relate to the struggles, pain, defeat, setbacks and ultimately – victory! However, there are some real life lessons that many of us can take and apply to our lives today.

Check out the video to learn these critical lessons:

Here are a few “Straight Outta Dr. Inspiration’s head and heart” questions I have for you:

1. Are you in a place of comfortable misery? What’s keeping you in that place (money, relationships, familiarity, etc.)?
2. What’s the price that you are paying to stay in that place?
3. What’s your dream for your life? What have you been called to do? What are you willing to give up or risk to live the life that you want?

Nelson Mandela said that, “…courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”

Be courageous and take a risk today!

Check out my story of taking a risk at

Until next time, I look forward to being your next speaker or coach!

The #1 Secret to Accomplishing Your Goals for this Year!

The #1 Secret to Accomplishing Your Goals for this Year!

Jump forward to end of 2015, did you come up short on achieving your goals for the year?

What are the consequences of coming up short and not achieving those goals?

Who did you let down?

Are you disappointed in yourself?

Well let's do something to change that picture before it becomes a reality. Check out this video to discover the #1 secret to accomplishing your goals for this year. You will be very surprised as to how simple it is.

For more information, check out
Until next time, I look forward to being your next speaker or coach!

What is your motivation at the midpoint of the year?

What is your motivation at the midpoint of the year?

* Are you on track to achieve your goals for the year?
* What's keeping you motivated to go after your goals for the year?
* Do you need to refocus on your goals for 2015?

Check out the video to learn the two ways that people are motivated and strategies for finishing the year strong to achieve your goals and dreams!

For more information, check out

Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

I look forward to being your next coach and/or speaker!

Also, be sure to get your copy of my new book The Resilience of Champions ( !™    to learn how to turn adversity into advantage!
Until next time, be resilient!

Dr. Inspiration

Monday, June 15, 2015

You are invited!

What if I told you that you were invited to a celebration in your honor tomorrow night?  The purpose of the celebration is for you to “Come as you would like to be in 5 years” celebration.  Would you be ready?  What would be different about you?  What would you tell others about your journey?  Or would you not be ready and be like the student applying for admission into the school of agriculture?
The school of agriculture's dean of admissions was interviewing a prospective student, "Why have you chosen this career?" he asked. 
"I dream of making a million dollars in farming, like my father," the student replied. 
"Your father made a million dollars in farming?" echoed the dean much impressed. 
"No," replied the applicant.  "But he always dreamed of it."
You see the student here was completely content with simply being a dreamer.  So much so that he was willing to pay for a college to degree to continue dreaming.  Are you a life-long dreamer with no action?  Find out how to turn YOUR DREAMS into REALITY in the video.  Find out how I turned my own dreams into reality.  ACCEPT your invitation to YOUR PARTY and start living your dreams today!
Remember:  What you see and do today will improve your tomorrow!


1. Be aware of passion - what would you do for free? What comes natural to you?

2. Set daily goals to live your passion - go to school, get certified, speak to others doing something similar

3. Failure can’t be an option - you either win or learn - plain and simple!

4. Step out of your comfort zone - surprise yourself and do the unexpected. Achieving your dreams will require stepping out of your comfort zone.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Dear Steph Curry, Now That You Are MVP Please DO Visit the High School of Matt Amaral!

Dear Mr. Amaral,

Let me start by saying thank you for your service and dedication as a teacher. Being a teacher can be one the most difficult professions in our society. While I must admit the great difficulty that comes along the task of teaching, I must also say that it is one of the most rewarding professions in our society as well. Your recent letter to Steph Curry about the many reasons that he should not visit your high school to speak to your students was very intriguing. The arguments that made about those “poor little” impoverish kids not being able to relate to the privileged life style of Steph and not wanting to get their “little” hopes and dreams up because it was too late for many to pursue pro sports, especially the short guys. Good arguments and very compelling to many readers to justify not having Steph visit your school. However, I would like to offer you another perspective. Another perspective that may have been missing from your letter about your “poor” little students who need to have “more realistic” goals. A perspective of a young man who grew up living in extreme urban poverty. I thank you in advance for considering my perspective. So here is what my letter to Steph Curry and how the visit may benefit many of those little “poor” kids in your school.  Here’s my letter to Steph from the “poor” student’s perspective.

Dear Steph,

I must admit that I’m a huge fan of yours now that I live in the city that you grew up in- Charlotte, NC. I grew up watching your dad become one the key players during the Hornets genesis as an NBA franchise. I wish I could say that your dad was my all time favorite player but I would not be telling the truth. My all time favorite player happens to be the owner of the team that your dad played for; none other than the GREAT Michael Jordan. Nevertheless, there is always room for others like yourself to join him on my all time favorite team once you get a couple of championships under your belt.

I have to ask you to do me a huge favor and make sure that you go visit schools like the ones that I attended as a kid- although there were too many to name individually. You see I attended 5 different elementary schools within 6 years due to living in many foster homes, crisis centers, motel rooms, and with different family members. By the way, when you go visit these poor schools, bring Michael and Dell with you.

The NBA does a lot in communities around the world and going into poor schools like the ones that I attended would mean the world to those students.

You see, Steph, my parents were drug addicts and professional shoplifters who spent a lot of time in prison when I was growing up. In fact, my mother was arrested 11 times during the 1st year that I was born. Had you come to my school when I was younger I would have enjoyed you being your usual inspiring, humble, hilarious, kind self and I know that you would have said all of the right things. I would have hung on to every word- even the words that would have not said.

You see I could have cared less that you had a professional one-on-one tutor that helped you hone your skills on a daily basis. Me and my poor friends would have been excited to hear that your dad, Dell Curry, was a NBA great that worked hard on the court so that you could have a better life.

And had you visited my school, I would not have been envious of the fact that you grew up living a good life, eating three square meals a day with a full sized court and hoop in the back yard; a sense of safety; a mother and a father; top schools, rich peers, and community resources.

I grew up living a very tough life. We did not get three meals a day as my parents would leave me and my elementary siblings for days by ourselves while they binged on heroin. My siblings and I had to depend on the schools for many of our meals and stealing what we could to bring back home to my oldest sister (6th grader) who had to stay home with my one-year-old sister. On the weekends, we would case out different convenient stores in the community to walk into and sprint out with what we could grab so we would not starve to death. Gunshots and police sirens racing throughout my neighborhood provided daily entertainment, numbing us to the dangers. Broken homes were the story of the day for many kids in my school. There was a piece of me, however,  that even admired the kids growing up in the stable, roach infested projects with a single parent. Growing up bouncing from foster home to foster home without parents was very difficult.  Many of my peers were also poor and we attended dilapidated schools. Our community had very few resources and much hopelessness.  Hearing your story would have given me something to look forward to- HOPE, despite the fact that my current conditions were telling me something different.

Even, seeing how tall you were would not have deterred me from wanting to be like you or other professional athletes in the NBA or NFL. You see, success in my neighborhood had very much to do with things that I saw on a daily basis. The drug-dealer on the corner with all the money was at one end of the success spectrum. The other end of the spectrum was based on players who looked like me who were playing professional sports, like you. My goal was to make it to the NBA or NFL. A back up plan meant doing the negative stuff that I saw in my neighbor. There was no plan B. It was all or nothing. You see in my neighborhood there were no black men walking around in suits leaving their homes to go to law firms or hospitals each day. The black men in my neighborhood were dying daily, mentally and physically. So I did not have a backup plan for my dream of playing professional sports. Having an alternative plan is much easier said, by outsiders, than done for kids coming from where I came from. Seeing you at my school would have made me work even harder toward my plan A of playing professional sports.

Hearing that you achieved your dream of playing professional sports would have silenced the voices around me telling me it was too late to go the NFL since I did not begin playing football until the 9th grade. In fact, it was former Denver Bronco player, Marc Jackson, coming to my local recreation center that reinforced that I could play football and go to the NFL.

Hearing your story and that of other professional athletes made me want to pick up a ball and stay out of trouble immediately after school. Knowing this, my teachers and coaches in high school built in mandatory study times after school to help me balance my obsession for sports. My teachers and coaches knew that I was not going to run home to finish an essay or science project. Some on the outside of my community would say that it is a sin to worship athletes and celebrities, however, when they come live in my community and see that vicariously living through these stars and athletes gives us just one more day of hope they would see why we do it. The hope that maybe, just maybe, that it will be me next and I can turn back and inspire another kid facing the tough circumstances.  You see, dreaming in a neighborhood like mine gives you more reason to get off of the life support machine of public assistance and strive for financial freedom to take care of your family.

Steph, having a person like you come to a school like mine tells me that, “I can too.” Couple that with teachers in these schools that will embrace whatever far fetched dream students have and you would be amazed at what a student might achieve.

Now I have to be honest with you, Steph, simply seeing Marc Jackson and other athletes like yourself in my neighborhood or school did not get me to the pros. But what it did do in the midst of high school when I was homeless and my mother was in prison, my father was in prison, my little brother was in prison, my oldest brother was gang banging on the streets, my oldest sister was a crack-addict on the streets, my second oldest sister was in foster care in another state, my youngest sister was living with my aunt, and my grandmother (my last legal guardian was in a nursing home suffering from Alzheimer's Disease) gave me a dream to stay in the game of life. My dream of going on to play professional sports introduced me to mentors, great friends from all types of backgrounds, and the ability to travel beyond my neighborhood.

Again Steph, the adults in my life, in particular my teachers and coaches, spent very little time telling me what I couldn’t achieve, when I was in high school, and spent more time celebrating the fact that I had a dream. Our collective energies were put into what you do everyday before you step on to the basketball court- which was laying out a plan and goals to win. You see, sometimes winning to the kids growing up in impoverished neighborhoods and schools has less to do with wanting to be athletes and celebrities themselves and more to do with riding the wave of someone else’s success until their confidence to believe in themselves and their own dream kicks in. It’s funny what happens to kids and students in this situation. As I mentioned before, I did not make it to the pros due to a career ending injury in college. But what took place following my injury was a true blessing. A plan B or backup plan emerged and revealed itself to me. It wasn’t because everyone else told me this but because of how the universe works. Certain doors open up us in time. The confidence that I gained in pursuit of my dream to play in the pros kicked in and gave me the confidence, instead, to get a college degree. I then pursued and received a graduate degree, a post graduate and eventually a doctorate degree.  Later I became a school principal. Today, I am a successful entrepreneur traveling the nation inspiring millions. I get a chance to motivate and inform educators, students, corporations and many others with my messages of hope and resilience. I forgot to mention that I’m also the author of 3 books.  

So yes, Steph, get out and go to schools like the ones that I grew up attending and tell every student rich or poor that they can become anything they want to become, even a pro athlete. Let that message marinate with the students. Continue to encourage the students and life will show them the rest. I didn’t make it to the pros but being Dr. Tommy A. Watson certainly hasn’t been a disappointing alternative.  


Former NFL Dreamer- Dr. Tommy A. Watson

Mr. Amaral,

I hope that you now have a perspective and insights as to how a visit from Steph Curry could and would benefit those many little “poor” kids that you have the privilege of teaching each day. Best of luck this school year! I guess now would be a great time to say, “Go Golden State”, however, I have a tough time betting against King James- so how about a, “Go Steph Curry”. 

Student Goes from homeless and living out of a trunk to DR!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Connecting for Your Success!

Key Strategies:

.           Be genuine. The only connections that work will be the ones that you truly care about; the world will see through anything short of that. If you don’t have a genuine interest in the person with whom you’re trying to connect, then stop trying.
.           Provide massive help. Even the biggest and most powerful people in the world have something they’d like help with. Too many people never reach out to those above them due to the fear that they wouldn’t be able to offer anything in return. But you have more to offer than you realize: write an article or blog post about them, share their project with your community, offer to spread their message through a video interview with them. Give real thought to who you could connect them with to benefit their goals. 
.           Pay ridiculous attention. It’s nearly impossible to genuinely offer help if you don’t pay attention. Do your research by reading blog posts, books and articles about the connection beforehand. Learn about their backgrounds and passions. Invest genuine time in learning what really matters to them and how you can help.
.           Connect with people close to them. Most job openings are filled through networking and referrals, and making connections is no different. You automatically arrive with credibility when referred to someone you want to meet by a mutual friend. Spend more time connecting with your current network of friends and colleagues and see where it leads.
.           Persistence wins most battles. The first attempt is just the very beginning. Realize that the first try may get you nowhere, but the fifth or the tenth tries are the ones that start to yield results. An unreturned email or voicemail doesn’t mean they don’t want to connect with you. It’s your job to be persistent!
.           Make real friends. Think about how you’ve made the friends you have. That’s all this is. You only make friends with people you genuinely want in your life.
.           Remain unforgettable. Send birthday cards. Mail your favorite book with a signed personal note from you on the inside flap. Send them your family Christmas card. Be genuinely helpful.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Execute, Execute, Execute!

Success doesn't necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won't win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling.

10 Steps to Achieve Goals

1) Be specific about what you want to achieve

Most people, don't know what they want to do with their life, and even after thinking hard, they don't come up with something they really want to do. This is one of the main reasons that in spite of so many books on success, most people live an average life.
2) Draw up a plan of action
Devote as much time as you need to find a goal or goals, even minor goals are okay. Not everyone really desires great success and is willing to completely change his/her life. Not everyone desires to be a millionaire, or possesses the talent to make money.
After finding a goal that you really desire to achieve, draw up a plan, being as practical as possible.
3) Make a list of steps
List the steps you need to take, such as signing up for a course, studying, reading, developing the required skills, looking for a job, etc, and other steps you need to implement that will take you closer to achieving your goal.
4) Act, do not be passive
Take action and follow the steps on your list. Don't just wait for things to happen.
5) Read and listen to advice

Read books or articles about what you want to achieve. Meet people who can help you and listen to their advice, but use your common sense and reason before accepting anything.
6) Alternative plans

If a certain plan doesn't work, look for an alternative one.
7) Examine your goals periodically
Some goals aren't worth achieving. Circumstances and people change. Some goals lose their importance. It is a good idea to re-examine your goals regularly and weed out the worthless ones.
8) Repeat affirmations

Affirm with faith and feelings that your goal has already been achieved. If you don't undo your affirmations with doubts and lack of belief, they will be accepted by your subconscious mind, which will then provide you with more desire and motivation.
9) Visualize your goal

Visualization will also affect your subconscious mind, which will keep you motivated, focused on your goal, and more aware of ideas and opportunities.
10) Take action
Don't just affirm and visualize and do nothing. Take any action required to bring your goal into fruition. Follow your intuition, new ideas and opportunities that present themselves, and accept help from other people.
