Monday, April 30, 2012

At-Risk or At-Resilient- Which one are you?

At-Risk or At-Resilient: Which One Will You Be In 2012?

What do the terms at-risk and at-resilient (a term coined by Tommy A. Watson) actually mean? I am glad that you asked:
  • At-Risk: describes an individual or groupexpected to surrender (give in) to adverse situations
  • At-Resilient: describes an individual or groupexpected to adapt (overcome) successfully to adverse situations
Resilience, it is the key skill for surviving and thriving in the multitude of changes and challenges that we are all facing. I would like to share with you my story of resilience and offer some tips on what individuals can do to become more resilient in 2012 and beyond.

I arrived in Minnesota to play Big Ten football for the University of Minnesota after living in nearly 25 different locations during my childhood. My parents were heroin addicts and professional shoplifters. As a result of their behaviors, I lived in 3 different foster homes, 3 different motel rooms, 3 different crisis centers, lived with my grandmother 3 times, my parents had gone to prison 3 times, and attended numerous schools, all by the time I was in 3rd grade. As a 3rd grader, I found myself angry, yearning to join and lead the local gang, and living with my aunt.

By the time I was in 7th grade, my family and I got evicted from our home in front of the neighbor and my friends, who sat on their porches laughing as the local sheriffs tossed everything we owned into the front yard of the house, including myself and my siblings. From there, we (9 of us) moved back into a 10 X 16 motel room- where we would remain for the next year.

As my senior year of high school rolled around, I found myself homeless and sleeping on the floor of a family friend, while being recruited as one of the top high school football players in the state of Colorado.

Fast forward a year to my arrival to the University of MN, both my mom and dad were in prison, my younger brother was in prison, my grandmother (last legal guardian) was in a nursing home, my oldest sister was on the streets of Denver addicted to crack cocaine, my oldest brother was on the streets of Denver involved heavily in gangs, my second oldest sister was in foster care in Iowa, and my youngest sister was living with my aunt. Between my junior and senior year of high school, I lived in five different locations.

Many people ask me how I made it through these many adverse situations and difficult times. Well, when I was in 8th grade and living in the motel room something amazing happened to me. My future high school coach came along and gave me HOPE. He told me that if I followed the same path of success as other successful people that my life would change. He was right! Success principles are timeless, transferable, and universal. 

Remember, resilience does not exist without HOPE. HOPE inspires RESILIENCE. 

Today, I am an award winning author, renowned speaker, beloved former school principal, and CEO/Founder of T. A. Watson Speaking Coaching & Consulting. I have earned a Bachelor’s Degree, aMaster’s Degree, an Advanced Graduate Degree, and I am currently completing my Doctor of Education in Leadership. Resilience pays off!

So how does a person endure all of this and come out standing? I am glad that you asked. Here are some tips to enduring challenging times:
  1. Build Positive Beliefs in Your Abilities
  2. Find a Sense of Purpose in Your Life
  3. Develop a Strong Social Network
  4. Embrace Change
  5. Be Optimistic
  6. Nurture Yourself
  7. Develop Your Problem-Solving Skills
  8. Establish Goals
Ancient scripture says, that as a man [or woman] thinks so than is he.
At-Risk or At-Resilient: Which one will YOU make the CHOICE to be in 2012?
Dr. Inspiration

Tommy A. Watson, Ed. D. (candidate), is and author (A Face of Courage- The Tommy Watson Story) and motivational speaker. For more information you can .

Friday, April 13, 2012

Are You Living a Life of Meaning and Purpose?

In his book Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, who survived Nazi concentration camps during World War II, shares that our fundamental drive as human beings is the pursuit of meaning. He goes on to say that, “man’s main concern is not to gain pleasure or avoid pain but rather to see meaning in his life.”

I couple years ago, I was on a plane headed to speak in North Carolina when I had a life changing moment.  I was in the middle of reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers when I came across a chapter entitled The 10,000 Hour Rule. The focus was center on Outliers (exceptional individuals) and how they reached lofty success and meaning in life based upon 10,000 hours (10 years of experience), which determined mastery, of something they had been doing all of their life. “…ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert-in anything,” Gladwell goes on to explain. Achievement is talent plus preparation, with talent only playing a small part. In a study conducted on musicians, researchers found that once a musician had the ability to get into a top music school, the thing that distinguished one performer from another was the amount of time put in practicing.

Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good. Back to my point, I began to think about what it was that I had spent the bulk of my life doing. Ah-ha! It was Overcoming obstacles and adjusting to constant environmental changes [See the inspiring story ].  I decided that that was what I wanted to do- Inspire individuals and organizations overcome obstacles and adjust to constant environmental changes; hence, the mission statement for my organization. Upon this discovery, I began to see that my days as a school principal were numbered. I had to get to the place where I was living and working my mission in all that I was doing in life [see here ].

Each of us has to ask ourselves: Does our life have meaning and purpose? Do we feel a sense of fulfillment? Are we living, working, and breathing the place of our 10,000 hours? [Start your journey ]. I recently came across a cartoon depiction of a character engaged in work that he was not fond of. The caption beneath the depiction read, “I would like to speak to whoever is in control of my life, and suggest some improvements.” This character was depending on those around him to add meaning and purpose to his life. How many of us have been in or are currently in situations such as this? Now I am not suggesting that your jump up and change your life around in an instant; however, I am suggesting that we began the journey to exploring a life of greater meaning.

We have to ask ourselves, what is the world hungering for right now? How can I use my talent and skills to satisfy this need? From our 10,000 hours each of us has been positioned with the 3 things to prepare us for fulfilling our purpose according to author Dan Miller No More Dread Mondays:

1.     Skills and abilities- Each of us has been grant unique skills and abilities to do the things that we enjoy doing most. What skills and talents come natural to you?
2.   Personality- Our personality will be connected to the very things that we enjoy doing. What does your personality tell you about the work that you enjoy doing?
3.  Passion- if money were not a concern, what would you spend your time doing?

Start Your Journey Today and Begin to Live a Life of Meaning and Purpose!


Dr. Inspiration